Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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Stouffville Christian Church



Church Sanctuary


Worship Service


Sanctuary Front


Pastor Jim & Meriam Amy



Services and Activities at SMCC!



  • Sunday Morning Worship: Sunday worship during the school season is from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. We provide opportunities for everyone to shape the worship and participate in meaningful ways. We value traditional hymns and make use of our hymnbooks. We also appreciate contemporary choruses and typically begin with a balance of choruses and hymns. The Bible is read together each week and a 20-25 minute message is brought by the pastor.

  • Prayer and Bible Study: On the first Wednesday of the month from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Please call or email the Church to confirm the venue since we will often meet in homes.
  • Soup & Sandwich Lunch: Following morning worship on the second Sunday of each month we gather for a 'pot blessing' fellowship around the lunch table. We encourage people to bring sandwiches to share with everyone. The Church provides hot soup, coffee and deserts!

  • Children's Church (Sunday School): Currently we are unable to consistently provide a program for a Children's Church. Children are encouraged and welcomed to share in the celebration of Sunday morning worship. There is a Sunday School room with a library of teaching supplies for children who have supervision. There is also a nursery room available for infants.

  • Monthly Social Events: We value fellowship at SMCC and provide monthly socials for the whole Church family. This may take the form of a games night or bowling or mini putting or watching a movie at the Church. Our social committee is pretty good at planning fun activities for people of all ages to enjoy!

  • Volunteer Opportunity Available:  please contact Pastor Jim Amy for details.


Church Picnic




