
Est. 1842
Stouffville Memorial Christian Church
Whether you intentionally arrived at our website or whether you stumbled upon us by accident, welcome! We hope you take time to look around and find what you are looking for.
Our Church's long and distinguished heritage in the Christian Church restoration movement is something we are very proud of (read more in our 'About Us' page). In 2022 we celebrated 180 years of faithful witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ in the growing town of Stouffville, Ontario. Stouffville Memorial Christian Church may not be large in numbers, but we have big and welcoming hearts and are fully committed to the task of sharing God's love in Jesus Christ with each other, our neighbours, and the world.
Our style of worship is uniquely informal yet traditional. We enjoy singing the modern choruses but we especially treasure the many hymns that have sustained the Church over the centuries. Most Sundays we sing both!
It is a privilege to make Jesus Christ the centre of everything we do. And our prayer is that all will come to know God's love in Christ and discover the joy of a new and abundant life with God!
May God's blessing and peace be yours in 2024!
Pastor Jim
"I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go into the House of the Lord.'"
P.S. Please take time to visit our facebook page where you will find more recent content on our activities!